A Maintenance Window can be used to pause alerts or synthetic monitors during a particular time period of the week. This can prevent noisy alerts, false negatives or false positives, and wasted synthetic measurements.
If your site consistently undergoes planned maintenance, degraded or sub-optimal performance or availability during certain times of the week, you can apply a Maintenance Window to your alert or synthetic monitor configurations to mute alerts and pause synthetic monitors during that time. Here are a couple use cases:
- Your site has particularly low traffic overnight or early in the morning - this can falsely trigger alerts for low volume, low revenue, etc.
- As the name suggests, your IT team performs routine maintenance on the site at a particular time of the day or week subjecting the site to degraded or otherwise sub-optimal performance or availability.
Setting a "Maintenance Window" during these times will mute alerts during the time period such that configurations to fire on low volume or high response time to do not falsely trigger and send alert notifications.
Click here to learn How to Configure a Maintenance Window in Blue Triangle.
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