Table of Contents
- How to Install the Extension
- How to Configure the Extension
- Walkthrough
- Advanced Options Examples
- Chart Controls
How to Install the Extension
Please reach out to your BT Representative for the downloadable files.
In the Google Chrome browser: Go to the extension menu.
Click manage extensions.
Turn on developer mode.
Click on load unpacked.
Select the saved folder for the BT Chrome extension.
The Blue Triangle Business Insights extension should now be shown in the list of extensions.
Go back to your website and pin the extension so that you have easy access to it:
How to Configure the Extension
The configuration screen can be accessed by:
- Clicking the Blue Triangle Icon in the extensions docks
- Clicking the cog symbol from the extension popup
The configuration is divided into the following areas:
- Portal Credentials: Your Blue Triangle Email address and API Key are required to access data for your account via the extension. Password is optional; when populated with your Blue Triangle account will be used to auto complete the password prompt if presented when navigating to the Blue Triangle portal via the extension. Share Analytics Data provides Blue Triangle with data about your experience with the extension (performance, crashed, etc.) that is used to improve the extension.
- Site List: This is where you configure the details of the websites that you want the extension to display data for. This should be pre-populated when you install the extension but should you need to make changes please contact your Blue Triangle account team.
- Show Advanced Options: Displays advance configuration options for the extension (see Advanced Options below)
- Show Experimental Features: Displays experimental features for the Blue Triangle portal (see Experimental Features below)
- Reset Settings: Resets all configuration options (except Portal Credentials). You can reset to either the last Saved configuration, or the default settings that were configured when you first installed the extension.
- Save: Save the current configuration settings (required for changed to take effect).
- Help: Displays the current version of the extension and shows this help file
Clicking the Show Advanced Options checkbox shows/hides the following configuration options:
- Time Period (days): The lookback period to show data for, e.g. 7 days shows performance, revenue and error data for the last week. Can be set from 1 to 366 days.
- Tag Fire Delays (ms): Controls how long the extension will wait for the Blue Triangle tag to load. Your BTT representative or BTT Partner will advise you if this needs to be changed.
- Preferred Portal URL: Determines which Blue Triangle portal you will be taken to when clicking on the icons in the extension. Set to a portal you are already logged into to avoid being taken to the Blue Triangle Sign In screen to enter credentials.
- Devices: Controls what devices will be included/excluded when displaying data in the extension.
- Show Data For: Controls what tabs are displayed in the extension our of Performance, Revenue, and Errors,
- Revenue Opportunity Options: Customizations for the Revenue tab of the extension. Allows user to show/hide the revenue chart controls (if hidden user only sees the aggregated metrics) and show/hide the revenue opportunity page name picker (if hidden user can only see revenue opportunity for the current page displayed in the browser). Enabled when Revenue Opportunity is selected in the Show Data For group.
- Performance Metrics Options: Customizations for the Performance tab of the extension, consisting of:
- a) Onload, Time to Interactive,... Base Page: Allows user to show/hide performance metrics
- b) Statistical Method: Controls if the extension displays the arithmetic mean or 75th percentile figures for the enabled performance metrics
- c) Show Data For: Determines if data is displayed for the Blue Triangle page name, i.e. all URL's that are categorized with the same page name as the current page displayed in the browser (or current selection in the Performance Page Name picker) or just for the specific URL of the same current page displayed in the browser.
- d) Show Performance Trend: Enables/Disables an indicator for each metrics that shows if performance has improve or degraded when the current time period is comparted with the period prior, e.g. if the Time Period is set to 1 day, then has performance over the last 24 hours improved/degraded compared to the performance of the 24 ours before that. A down triangle indicated degraded performance and an up arrow indicates improved performance.
- e) Trend Threshold: The amount a metric must have improved or degraded by when comparing the current time period with the prior period in order to display the performance trend indicator. Enabled when Show Performance Trend is enabled.
- f) Show GUID: Show the unique Blue Triangle identifier for your session to enable easy location of your page load in the Blue Triangle portal.
g) Show Comparison: Controls if extension will display the comparison metrics alongside the metrics for the configured Time period. Options are:
- Disabled: Do not show comparison.
- Last N Days: Show the metrics for the prior period, if Time Period set to 1 day, then show performance of the 24 hours before that.
- User Page Load: Show the metrics that the user experienced int heir own browser for the URL currently page displayed in the browser
- h) Show Charts: Allows user to show/hide the performance chart controls (if hidden user only sees the aggregated metrics)
- i) Show Page Picker: Show/hide the performance page name picker (if hidden user can only see metrics for the current page displayed in the browser).
Experimental Features allow you to test and provide feedback on portal prototypes. This feedback is then used to shape the Blue Triangle product roadmap.
There are two experimental features currently available:
- Synthetic Filmstrip Comparison
- Synthetic Filmstrip Animator
The features are enabled by checking the Show Experimental Features checkbox and then checking the relevant experimental feature radio button and clicking Save.
The features can be disabled at any time by un-checking the Show Experimental Features checkbox and clicking Save.
Details of where to find and how to use the features in the blue triangle portal are provided in the feature overview videos accessed in the Configuration screen of the extension, as shown in the screenshot.
The extension consist of four main tabs: Performance, Revenue, Errors, and All Metrics.
Performance Tab
The colors of the different widgets in the Performance tab indicate how well the site is scoring in each metric. The metric scores are categorized as either Good, Needs Improvement, or Poor, based on the thresholds set by Google.
Here is a breakdown on how to navigate the Performance tab:
Performance Charts
Clicking on the Show Metric Chart button on any of the metrics in the Performance tab will open a chart such as the following:
Instant Dashboard
Clicking the Instant Dashboard button on the Performance tab will open all metric performance charts in one dashboard.
Revenue Tab
The colors of the different widgets in the Revenue tab indicate if Revenue opportunity is less than or equal to 10% of total sales (green), revenue opportunity is greater than 10% of total sales (yellow), or if revenue opportunity is greater than 20% of total sales (red). The scale is meant to emphasize the areas of a site where the most opportunity is being missed.
Here is a breakdown on how to navigate the Revenue tab:
Revenue Charts
Clicking on the Show Revenue Opportunity chart button will open either the Revenue Over Time chart, or the Revenue Opportunity Chart (Conversion Rate Curves).
Errors Tab
The Errors tab of the BT Chrome Extension displays a quick breakdown of the site's Javascript errors as well as CSP Violations.
Advanced Options Examples
Here are some examples on the advanced configuration options discussed above.
Advanced filtering options include device type, such as desktop, tablet, or mobile. Use the checkboxes to select the device type to filter by.
Show Data For
The Show Data For configuration allows for selection of which tabs are to be displayed in the extension. Use the checkboxes to select between Performance Metrics, Revenue Opportunity, and Javascript Errors.
Statistical Method & Show Data For
The statistical method can be set to either Arithmetic Mean or 75th Percentile, and data can be shown for either Page Names, or URLs.
Arithmetic Mean / Page Name
75th Percentile / URL
Show Performance Trend & Show Comparison
The Show Performance Trend and Show Comparison features can both be enabled/disabled in the advanced configuration.
Show Performance Trend / Comparison Disabled
Disabling Show Comparison will show only the current metrics for the site. Enabling or disabling the Show Performance Trend button will either add or remove the performance trend indicator arrow found next to the metric score.
Show Performance Trend / Comparison Last N Days
Choose the time period in which to compare the current metrics of the site to.
Show Performance Trend / Comparison User Page Load
Compare the metric score of the site to your own experience on the site.
Performance Metrics Show Charts & Page Picker
Just as for the Revenue tab, the page picker and the charts can be disabled in the advanced configuration for the Performance tab.
Page Picker Disabled
Disabling the page picker removes the page selector drop down menu from the Performance tab, meaning data will only be displayed for the page in which the extension is open.
Charts Disabled
Disabling the charts will remove the show Metric chart buttons from the Performance tab.
Revenue Opportunity Show Charts & Page Picker
In the Revenue tab, the page picker and the charts can be disabled in the advanced configuration.
Page Picker Disabled
Disabling the page picker removes the page selector drop down menu from the Revenue tab, meaning data will only be displayed for the page in which the extension is open.
Charts Disabled
Disabling the charts will remove the show Revenue Opportunity chart buttons from the Revenue tab.
Chart Controls
Portal Scale On / Off
The Portal Scale button edits the Y axis of the charts in the extension. When Portal Scale is on, the Y-axis of the graph will begin at 0. When Portal Scale is off the Y-axis begins at the smallest value in the data set.
Fill Gaps On / Off
The Fill Gaps button will fill in the gaps in the graph in which data is missing.
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