I tried to use a BT API endpoint and it responded with a HTTP 429 "Total request limit has been exceeded for this account", why did this happen and what can I do? |
If the API receives too many requests, it will respond with a HTTP code 429 and a message about how requests have been exceeded. There are two reasons this usually happens.
- The total request limit has already been reached and exceeded for this account. There is a setting in your contract with Blue Triangle that limits the number of API requests that can be made per day for your account. This rate limit is summed up across all of the users under your account, so if you have not sent many requests and are getting this response, then you may want to check with other users to see if they have already exceeded the daily limit. You can also contact your account team to see if the contract can be modified to increase the daily API request limit.
- Too many requests have been sent within a few minutes. To resolve this, we recommend sending fewer request within a five minute period. API requests can often be combined so you can get the same data in fewer requests and lower your likelihood of receiving this response.
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