New Features
- Customizable Portal Terms
- Certain terms throughout the portal will be changeable to match terminology that our clients use
- Network Health Checks
- Underneath Synthetic Monitoring
- Re-worked the menu to have subsections underneath Synthetic Monitoring
- Overview, Performance Details, and Test Results pages are now available
- Network Health Checks Performance Detail widget is available in the dashboard
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue on the API Checks Error State Tracking widget where the last data point wouldn’t show up on the line graph
- Fixed an issue where the Test Results link that gets emailed out wouldn’t have the data show up correctly
- When partners edit their contracts, the discount will now get applied in real-time instead of after they save
- Department and account level logins will now all properly have access to the API Checks Test Results page
- Fixed the alerts page to display the proper units for the measured level when using Page Size or Image Size alerts
- Fixed Page/Image Size warning and critical thresholds to show the proper values
- Expired alerts now show up as expired
- Fixed cross-linking when clicking on the sparklines in the API Check Overview
- Fixed cross-link to edit page from API Check Overview's error state tracking widget
- Fixed some old references to the term "Base Page & SSL" on the API Check Overview page
- Adjusted the time slightly for the link into the Aternity portal
- Data Science sorting averages table by hits desc by default
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