Table of Contents
Blue Triangle's Synthetic Monitoring Module contains a robust set of dashboards and reports for both real-time monitoring and historical analysis. In this article, we'll walk through each page in the module and how to use it.
Synthetic Performance Overview
The Synthetic Performance Overview page is a dashboard containing a performance and availability bar for each of your active synthetic monitors.
Synthetic Performance Detail
The Synthetic Performance Detail page enables you to analyze your synthetic data both at a high-level glance and all the way down to individual page measurements.
Error State Tracking
The Error State Tracking page shows you all of the errors that have occurred for your synthetic monitors, including information like the duration of each error, the error code and error message, as well as the page it occurred on.
Test Results
Just as it sounds, the Test Results page shows you the results for all of your synthetic tests. You can change the time period to view data in the past, and you can filter by monitor name to only get the results you want to see.
Synthetic Page Performance Comparison
The Page Performance Comparison page allows you to compare any performance metric across multiple synthetic pages. This comparison is a line graph with each line representing the performance for a particular page.
Synthetic Aggregate Waterfall
While the Performance Detail Page can show us the object and domain level detail for a single page measurement, the Aggregate Waterfall Page shows us this information aggregated over time.
Errors Explorer
The Synthetic Errors Explorer is where you can analyze the JavaScript, XHR, Fetch and other errors happening on your site.
Performance Budget
The Performance Budgets page allows you to see how your key performance and content metrics are doing compared to your defined budgets. This page allows you to utilize all filter options and metrics to track them in a dashboard in the Blue Triangle portal.
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